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Custom S.L.A.M. Navigation Stack using ROS

Using applications such as Gazebo, RViz, and RQT, a simulated turtlebot3 was programmed to map and navigate about an unknown area. The robot used LIDAR scan data to calculate new frontiers of exploration and then used the A-Star algorithm to calculate an optimal path. Custom PID loops were used to traverse the map and continue exploring unknown areas. After the mapping was complete the simulated robot was localized using Advanced Monte Carlo Localization(AMCL) and was able to navigate the map without the continued use of LIDAR.

Prevalent Skills: ROS, Python, Gazebo, Rviz, A*, AMCL, Gmapping, Turtlebot3 

Short Overview Video

Click here to view a video explanation of the project. This video was created narrated by one of my teammates and includes a high-level overview of our final SLAM demonstration.


GitHub Repository

Click here to view the GitHub repository for this project. This page includes code, our detailed final report, setup instructions, and project information.

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