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Jason Martino

About Me:

I've been interested in cutting-edge technology for about as long as I've been able to walk. Now graduated from WPI and working in automation, I have garnered a well-rounded engineering skillset with an emphasis on designing software to make robots smarter and more efficient. I have a deep interest in automation and enjoy daydreaming about what the world will look like as the symbiotic relationship between robots and humans continues to evolve. I have also honed my interpersonal and project management skills through 10 years of competitive robotics with FIRST, 5 years of Cybersecurity/R&D at Anjolen Incorporated, and the beginnings of my professional robotics career. I most recently worked as a robot software engineer developing and supporting many facets of a warehouse automation fleet. I enjoy working amongst talented, driven individuals and often find myself taking on some level of leadership role whether it is assigned to me or not. I function very comfortably in a wide gamut of practical situations and have strong fundamental skills such as intuitive problem-solving and communication.

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