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Autonomous Mural Painting Robot

On average, it takes a person about 40 hours to paint a full color, 10’x10’ mural. The process is time-consuming and expensive, as you have to pay the artist for their time. High costs associated with murals make them unrealistic for most places. By automating the process of painting, we can drastically cut the cost of large-scale, full-color murals, making them more attainable for the average building. The goal for this project was to make a robot capable of painting an 8 color mural on a vertical wall, without human intervention. Our end product is able to decode any image and paint it in a given size.

Prevalent Skills: Java, MATLAB, Sensor Fusion, Robot Control, Autonomous Systems, CAD 

Overview Video

Click here to view a video overview of the project. This video was created and narrated by my team and includes a high level overview of our process, the skills we utilized, and the final performance of our product. 


Final Project Report

Click here for the full final report that was created regarding this project. The report contains a more detailed overview of the engineering challenges we faced and the steps we took to solve them.

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