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7-DoF Kinova Gen3
Joint Trajectory Controller 

In this project, my team of four tested several different robot control architectures on the Kinova Gen3 platform. This robot has seven degrees of freedom and was simulated using inverse dynamics in MATLAB. Using ROS, ROS MoveIT, Gazebo, and other industry-standard software we implemented an inverse kinematic position controller with quintic polynomial trajectory generation. This was designed to allow users at the WPI HIRO Lab to teleoperate the robot with a keyboard or joystick.

Prevalent Skills: ROS, MoveIT, KinovaGen3 MATLAB, Inverse Dynamics, Forward/Inverse/Differential Kinematics, Gazebo, Trajectory Planning/Generation

Final Project Report

Click here for the full final report that was created regarding this project. The report contains a more detailed overview of the engineering challenges we faced and the steps we took to solve them.


GitHub Repository

Click here to view the GitHub repository for this project. This page includes code, our detailed final report, setup instructions, and project information.

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